Presentation Awards

AWARDS ------------- IFIRI Forum Awards & Recognition Program

This program is dedicated to recognizing individuals and institutions that have set the standard of excellence during the year. Receiving an IFIRI FORUM Award is a great way to gain recognition, not only within the collegiate conference and event industry, but at your institution. By recognizing outstanding service in ourselves and others, we bring prestige to our profession and our institutional roles. The awards are given to the most outstanding researchers of the conference under below four categories.

AWARDS CEREMONY ------------- Award Categories

All the winners will be presented with their awards during the awarding ceremony which will be held on the last day of the conference along with the conference conclusion.

Overall Best Presentation Award

This award will be provided for the most outstanding presentation of the entire conference.

Evaluation Criteria

Presentations of each technical session with the highest marks shall be recommended for this awards. They are evaluated by a special committee headed by the conference chair according to the below criteria.

  • Total Marks gained in the presentation

  • Significance of the paper to the field

  • Theoretical contribution

  • The ability of practical implementation (Will change according to the conference)

  • Use of appropriate methodological rigor

  • Originality

Best Student Presentation Award

The Best Student Presentation Award will be given to the most outstanding presentation presented by a participant who has registered under the student category. Graduates, Undergraduates, Master students, and Ph.D. students will be considered under this category.

Evaluation Criteria

Presentations of each technical session with the highest marks shall be recommended for this awards. They are evaluated by a special committee headed by the conference chair according to the below criteria.

  • Total Marks gained in the presentation

  • Significance of the paper to the field

  • Theoretical contribution

  • The ability of practical implementation (Will change according to the conference)

  • Use of appropriate methodological rigor

  • Originality

Session's Best Presentation Award

There will be a number of technical sessions in the conference under different themes. These awards are provided to the presentations that have been selected to be the best in the particular session.

Evaluation Criteria

Each and every presentation is evaluated by two evaluators and the average mark of both evaluators is taken as the final mark. The best presentation from each session will be selected based on the final mark received from the evaluators and the final decision is given by the Conference Chair. Below criteria are taken into consideration for this award and marks are given out of 100.

  • Value of the Content

  • Clarity of Presentation

  • Appropriate Audio Visual Aids

  • Ability to Connect with the Audience

  • Proper Timing

Best Poster Presentation Award

There will be a poster session at the conference and this award is dedicated to the poster presenters in the conference. The best poster presentation will be selected among all the researchers in the session.

Evaluation Criteria

Every poster presentation is evaluated by a special evaluator based on below criteria and the presentation with the highest mark is selected as the Best Poster Presentation Award. The final mark is given out of 100.

  • Depth of Content

  • Introduction and Abstract

  • Content knowledge and organizatio

  • Poster Design and Overall Visual Appeal

  • Verbal Interaction